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About Facing Glory

I am learning that it takes time to see God's glory. It is always there, but when I write I tend to look for it more. And so I write this blog. It's simple, thoughtful and a glimpse of the journey I'm on. I enjoy hearing your ideas, so comment freely.
Love, Lindsay

Blog's I enjoy

Kevin & Mistys
Whip Stitch
Cluck Cluck Sew
Living Proof Ministries
Live with Desire
Christina Spinella

Causes and Interests

Buy Handmade
International Justice Mission
Free the Slaves
Fair Indigo. Fair Trade Clothing.


Thomas Moore : To live ordinary life artfully is to have this sensibility about the things in daily life, to live more intuitively and to be willing to surrender a measure of our rationality and control in return for gifts of the soul.

Search FacingGlory

Comfort View Thursday, August 28, 2008 |

Enjoy this little glimpse of glory. Today was so full that I can't really start to process it. One thing I know...God is near.

I have seen a great light Wednesday, August 27, 2008 |


I've been understanding these contrasts a little more deeply lately. I've watched the sun come up for 3 days now. The world is quite peaceful in the wee morning hours, and yet it is some sort of relief when the sun freshly dawns. Understanding is the underlying current of my days and I'm finding it a lovely occupation. Lastly community. One of my favorite words in the English language. I have been richly blessed with community. And when I say rich, I mean the double dark chocolate fudge cake sundae of community. It doesn't get much sweeter than shopping at whole foods, cooking dinner and taking Lucy the dog for a walk. Oh, I didn't mention that I was blessed with a bedroom in my new friend's home equipped with the most comfortable sheets you have ever slept on. Now that's hospitality.

Through the past few days I've been understanding more that my Father loves the light. In fact there is no darkness in Him. Paul shares some good insight in his letter to the church in Colossia.

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:9-14

Father is delightful!

The good life Monday, August 25, 2008 |

Life here is wonderful. Here...where is here? As of late I've been all over the map...Conroe, The Woodlands, Richmond, College Station...
School started today. I'm overwhelmed with blessings. Overwhelmed. Here are a few of the blessings overwhelming me...

:::I have dear friends at school. (Did I mention it's the first day?)
:::I didn't get overwhelmed at all today. (This is a miracle.)
:::My 'Big Brother' gave me the coolest back to school kit ever. (Including colored pencils)
:::My anatomy professor gives us coloring pages!
:::I am staying at my new friend Kimb's house tonight (see her husband's blog for more details Click here)

Life is pretty much amazing. School is underway and I just feel like so many things are going right. I'm not afraid of things going wrong anymore after the season I've just come out of, but Hallelujah for life simply working.

To my friends...if I'm not in contact as usual, know that you are still on my heart. I may not have the time to formulate an e-mail or make a phone call, but I'm still praying for and loving you. If you need me, never hesitate to call. I'm still here, just a little more structured for now.

Glory of it All Thursday, August 21, 2008 |

Well...today life has been beautiful.

If you know me very well, you know that I don't take transitions well. I have a hard time with moving, changing schedules, changing jobs, friends moving...etc, etc, etc. I just don't like it. This week has contained quite a few transitions with one seemingly shifting my entire lifestyle.

School is beginning. I've been trying to sort out this transition for a few months now. But somehow this time it's different. I've been praying and just really trying to let go of this one. Rest in God's sovereignty and remain free of worry. You know what...God's proving trustworthy. The details are falling into place. I'm finding all my needs met and some lovely surprises along the way. God is so glorious!

I saw many little details I wanted to share with you in photograph form today, but I felt a little self-conscious about whipping out the camera in my school setting. Wait...I'll get comfortable and the photos will return.

Looking for a little good reading?

Enjoy this Relevant Magazine Articlehttp://www.relevantmagazine.com/life_article.php?id=7599

the beach...the beach Wednesday, August 13, 2008 |

I saw birds at the beach this morning. Spledid! Life is splendid.

A dear friend is leaving in the morning. Moving on to exciting things, but it's always sad to part with friends. Ah, one more day of challenges mixed with glorious joys.

Some of the finest friendships are between persons of different dispositions. The mind is often attracted by perfections it lacks itself. -Eustace Budgell

A needle and yarn Monday, August 11, 2008 |

I have been truly soaking up my last moments of summer. Breathing deeply. Taking them in. I've been engrossing myself in creative endeavors. I've also had some incredible time with new and old friends.

God is so faithful to bring just the right moments at just the right times.