doors...sometimes they open
Where do I start? The blog has been silent lately. Lindsay has been a little silent lately. Taking time to sleep in, paint my bathroom and just chill out with family. It's been nice to have some down time. A sweet friend gave me a scrapbooking idea book for Christmas and it inspired this creation.
I wanted to take a little time to think about last year. What has happened, what makes this year unique? What do I want to remember?
Here is a bit of what I journaled on the page.
This year has taught me that dreams can come true and that little things can fall into place. In 2008 I found 2 jobs (Chik-fil-A marketing and CISD Administration office), I lost 15 pounds, I traveled to Scotland (my first transatlantic flight) and I have begun Physical Therapy school on a good note. Doors opened this year. Not everything went smoothly and sometimes just taking baby steps was a battle, but nevertheless here I am with God as my only explanation for such peace. And so with this in mind I can dream about 2009.
January 03, 2009
you, my friend, are a very talented writer. :) top
January 05, 2009
hurrah! scrapbooking! :D LOVE YOU! top